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In today’s digital world, everything revolves around speed and efficiency. Everyone knows that the speed of a website is important. Having a fast website is essential for increasing your SEO rankings, reducing bounce rates, and increasing overall sales. WordPress speed optimization should be a top priority. Nowadays, consumers expect web pages to load quickly. In fact, 40% reported that they would abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. Google reports that best practice is to keep loading times at three seconds or less.

The best thing you can do for your business is to have a fast WordPress site. Without realizing this, you will undoubtedly lose money and traffic. It’s also worth noting that websites with 1-2 second load speeds see conversion rates nearly three times higher than those that load in 5-10 seconds. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your site’s speed. We use all the weapons in our possession to make your WordPress site as fast as possible: caching, optimizations, cdn, Google Amp. And more. By properly managing your themes, images, plugins, and other content, you can easily speed things up.

WordPress Speed ​​Improvement Optimization

You can’t afford to waste a second on the internet. Speed ​​is important, particularly when it comes to loading times. In fact, if your WordPress site is slow and forcing users to wait even a few seconds, you are likely to feel the negative effects right away. You can see increasing bounce rates, decreased conversions, and poor search rankings. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to avoid these problems! WordPress as a platform offers many options for optimizing your site to make it faster and more reliable.

Choosing the right hosting plan is one of the first and most important choices we will make for your website. Since your web host is where your site resides, it will go a long way in determining your site’s speed, performance, and ability to cope with high traffic. When a user logs into your site, your host’s server will determine how quickly information is passed to them. We also take care of keeping your site updated; this will ensure your site stays as fast as possible.

Another clever way to speed up your site is to implement caching, in a nutshell it’s a site’s short-term memory. When you log into a site for the first time, a copy of all required files is saved. These cached files are then displayed on the next visit to the same site. Caching significantly reduces the resources required to run your site, which can speed it up dramatically. This ensures that your site’s files don’t have to be requested and uploaded directly from the server every time someone visits it.

How fast is your site?

Understanding the loading speed of your WordPress site is the first step towards improving site performance. Search engines like Google rank websites with fast loading times higher than slow loading ones. If you run an ecommerce store on WordPress, you better prepare yourself to make big improvements so that your business can be more profitable. A dedicated server is faster because resources are not shared between other websites. You never have to worry about running into your server limitations.

Did you know that users in different geographic locations may experience different loading times on your website? Using a CDN helps you significantly improve your page speed. A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is another important option for the speed of your WordPress site. It offers better loading times for your website no matter what type of site you use. Chances are you’ve installed a lot of plugins on your site that you haven’t used over the years. Some of these can affect page speed, so it’s worth deactivating and uninstalling anything that doesn’t serve as a starting point.

CDN is a network of multiple servers spread across various locations around the world. Whenever someone visits your website, CDN identifies that visitor’s geographic location and serves the static files through a server closest to him. This can help reduce external HTTP requests because the static content is ready to go instead of requesting tons of HTTP at the same time. We take care of WordPress speed for you as our servers are already optimized to serve WordPress websites.

Google AMP

In 2016, Google announced the launch of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), a web-based open source solution designed to revolutionize the consumption of mobile content. AMP is a project supported by Google with the aim of accelerating the delivery of content through the use of a reduced code known as HTML AMP. The AMP version of a product page, blog post, or landing page is meant to be instantly uploaded to mobile devices. According to a study, Google’s AMP pages load four times faster and use eight times less data than traditional mobile-optimized pages.

While AMP is not a ranking factor for search engine optimization, AMP offers a fast and reliable web experience. Put simply, AMP is a way to create web pages that don’t change based on user behavior and allows pages to load much faster than normal HTML.